While Saturday saw the last big demo project completed, today was wrap up day for all the little projects that needed done before the, "put it all back together" could begin.
The first task was reinforcing, and in some cases replacing altogether, the termite-weakened floor joists in the back part of the house. There are no pictures of this, mostly because I've been the picture taker and I was crawling around on the floor during this job.
One of the many, "save that for later" jobs was taking out the gross header over the previous backdoor. Doing this allows for installation of a glorious oversized door from the Father-In-Law. More on that in future episodes.
The Missus removed all the exterior siding in the future laundry room so it's now ready for drywall.
She also removed the old window and replaced it with studding so the kitchen can now shift to finishing.
And finally, FINALLY, I was able to shore up the back of the house and replace the wall. This is the wall where I first found the termite damage the very first day at the house. That thing has been staring me in the face for a whole month now... taunting me... teasing me... terrifying me. Well no more you evil wall. Now you're done. I win, you ugly bastard.
And just like that, the demo is done. There are two old supports that used to be nailed to the long gone living room ceiling joists, and once those are cut off there is no more demo to be done. Nothing left to tear out. No termite damage left to uncover. No walls left to push over. No saws to run or crowbars to hank or curse words to be said, nada.
Now we rebuild.