For a couple weeks we've had one piece of bad news after another. Electrical inspection, Failed. HVAC inspection, Failed. Attempt to add the Plumber to our Building Permit, Failed. Attempt to get water & sewer service connected, Failed. And then we were informed that since our house sat empty for over a year, we owed the County $650 for... get this... to verify our house existed. I wish I was kidding. On Friday I got an email that they had driven to our house, looked around for thirty seconds (not kidding at all), confirmed it existed, and sent me a bill for $650.
Believe it or not, that silly email and the invoice that accompanied it, turned my frown upside down. That email meant we could move forward with the Plumbing inspections. It meant we could move from "rough" to "final" stages on more than one area of the house.
And the good news continued to roll in. Our Electrical updates were completed, the HVAC inspection was approved that afternoon, the insulation R-factor was cleared by the County, and we finally got the correct list of things we are required to have inspections for. Hallelujah.
So with all the good news rolling in, we had two jobs on this weekend's agenda: Close in the old attic vent in our now-vauted ceiling, and finally get some drywall hung. By five o'clock this evening, both tasks were complete.
If all goes well with the Plumbing inspection tomorrow, this place is going to look entirely different in a couple weeks. Exciting stuff on the horizon.