Friday, February 3, 2017

A day out of the office still means a day of work

Been a quiet week at the Fixer Upper. Lots of waiting for contractors, plans being made and then changed and then remade, lumber orders placed for a future pickup, and more behind the scenes stuff that seems like nothing is getting done when in reality so much is happening. And that's how it goes at the Beacon Fixer Upper, planning and then work and then planning and then work and on and on it goes.

 The first exciting news to share is our brand new metal roof that was installed yesterday. Hard to see it's much more than just grey metal, but when it's not a dreary winter day and the house is sporting new skin, we'll revisit the good looking roof.

I took a vacation day from the office because this weekend's task was a daunting one. The massively termite-infested laundry room needed to  removed and rebuilt. I knew the first part of the task, demo, would go quickly. And boy did it ever...

That massive pile of debris took all of twenty minutes to create, and I only almost died once. 

Now on to the rebuild. I had placed a lumber order earlier in the week and our friend Eric joined me to pick it up at Home Depot. Thank goodness another friend offered his friend Rusty, a perfectly aged Ford F-150, to pick it all up. I added some more lumber to the pile and a couple windows for the laundry room. Unfortunately, it took us over an hour to figure out to load so much wood and the door and windows. Worse than that, between our wasted time, the additional bungees and ratchet straps I purchased, and the gas I put in Rusty's tank, I found out I could have had it all delivered for $19.95. Facepalm. 

I wasn't able to start the rebuild due to more termite damage control, but I have tomorrow all planned out. Let's do this.

1 comment:

  1. You can do it, we can help! That's the power of the Home Depot! LOL!
