The other thing the Director said we were required to do was add expanding-foam insulation to the exposed rafters. I had been hoping to use fiberglass batt insulation, I had even purchased it, but he said that wasn't enough to ensure the proper R-Factor rating of the house. So I was forced to go back to the original quote I collected when getting the mortgage. That also meant another almost one thousand dollar expense. Ugh.
First step was closing off the opening from the previous attic into the front porch rafters. Enter some old boards we had acquired years before with our friend's Andrew & Megan. A few funny notes scribbled on the boards for future owners, and up they went.
This morning the insulation company finally showed up. I had gone to the house early in the morning and finished the wall insulation and added boards where the old attic vent had been. So when they showed up, I left.
We had a couple Food Tours in the afternoon. When they were done we jumped in the car and drove to the new house, eager to see the finished product. Checkmark the second and last item off the Director's list. I'll call him Monday morning and when he gives me the thumbs up, the real rebuild shall begin. One month to go until we move in.
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