Saturday, April 1, 2017

Staining like a boss

During the couple weeks of mental anguish trying to figure out how to deal with the notes left by the angry Inspector, one evening the Missus and I finished the hardwood floor in the kitchen with some donated pieces of oak flooring. When done we drove over to our friends Chris & Sarah's house to drop off the flooring nail gun, and they took us upstairs to show us a door they made in their future baby's bedroom. The color of the stain caught our eye.

A couple days before, the Missus and I had purchased seven different colors of stain trying to figure out what we wanted to do with the ceiling boards. We tried all seven colors on the same board, not completely happy with any of them. So when we saw the stain on the door in our friend's house, it immediately caught our eye. They sent us home with a sample, along with a rough recipe.

After some tweaking of the original recipe, we settled on our color. It was a great feeling. Our friend Steve made a road trip to stay with us for a few days, and the three of us stained one hundred boards and set them all to dry, all within an hour or so of work. An awesome day.

1 comment:

  1. Remember all the special colors your Dad created for custom kitchen jobs? And the signature stain of Honeybrook that he made for me?
